SUSTENT is a family-owned company based in Freiburg, Germany. The Black Forest is a pioneer in the development of sustainable technologies and has an important network of highly innovative companies.
We are aware that the need for adequate quantity and quality of water, and affordable and clean energy are challenges for humanity. This need is closely related to sustainable development. It is based on the long-term rational use of nature’s finite resources.
Thus, we are engaged in technology transfer between Germany and Latin America. We focus on decentralized water and waste treatment, renewable energy generation and sustainable housing development.
We have more than 20 years of experience and have carried out projects throughout the Latin American continent. This, together with a wide network of local partners, allows us to meet the needs and develop the existing potential in the region.

In close cooperation with our technology partners, we provide innovative, efficient and safe “Made in Germany” solutions for the sustainable development of primary production, industry, trade and municipalities.
We are committed to sustainable development, defined by the UN as ““development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.

Eng. Mathias Kasek
Master in Project Management of Renewable Energy Projects and Specialist in Energy Efficiency. Specialist in process equipment. International management of technology transfer. Chemical Eng.

Chem. Ana Borgno
Quality Manager and Quality and Food Safety Auditor. Specialist in the implementation of sustainable management systems and process revalorisation.
The implementation of decentralised environmental technologies offers advantages by bringing natural resource treatment and utilisation processes closer to their source of origin, reducing transport costs, minimising environmental impact and minimising dependence on large operators.
Facing water scarcity, lack of access and water pollution in Latin America, our circular water management and reuse solutions are the key to a sustainable water supply.
The treatment is based on filtration and ultrafiltration technologies as well as an ultraviolet light disinfection system, ensuring a reliable supply of drinking water, microbiologically safe and without the addition of any chemicals.
The treatment is carried out by means of a sequential biological process type SBR (sequential batch reactor), which allows the wastewater to be treated in batches, through the cycles of loading, aeration, rest and extraction of clean water, with the supply of oxygen in a tank divided into two chambers.
The technology makes it possible to achieve a purification efficiency of up to 99%. The liquid obtained can be used, for example, to irrigate parks and gardens.
A rainwater recovery system for reuse consists of a tank, filtration and pumping equipment, in synergy with the effluent recovery system. This provides abundant water for all non-potable uses: sanitation, cleaning and irrigation.

Renewable energy generation not only offers a clean, sustainable and secure solution, but also plays a crucial role in boosting energy independence and fostering economic and social development.
Biogas can be generated and stored independently of weather conditions. It is therefore ideal for providing base load and balancing fluctuations in the grid. This clean, renewable energy source can be used to generate electricity and heat, thus reducing dependence on fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions. Alternatively biogas can be used as fuel in vehicles contributing to the decarbonisation of key sectors such as transport.
The gasification process is carried out by combustion of biomass in a low-oxygen atmosphere to produce combustible gases (“syngas”). At the same time, the partial combustion of the feedstock provides the heat necessary for the gasification process to take place. The resulting gas, often of low calorific value, can be used in burners to generate heat and in gas engines or gas turbines to generate electricity.
The use of flexible systems, i.e. photovoltaic generation combined with other renewable sources that are not dependent on weather conditions, allows grids to be powered by adapting to electricity demand or direct use without fluctuations or the need for storage.
As with photovoltaic panels, small wind turbines provide flexibility in renewable energy generation.

We develop tailor-made management systems for the treatment and revaluation of municipal, agricultural and industrial solid waste. Our innovative solutions not only contribute to ecological treatment but also to the generation of high value-added products.
Biogas produced by fermentation or gasification can be used as fuel to power generator engines that produce electricity. This electricity can be used to power industrial, commercial or residential facilities, or it can be fed into the grid for large-scale distribution.
During the biogas or syngas generation process, heat is produced as a by-product. This waste heat can be captured and used for space or water heating, which increases the efficiency of the system and reduces dependence on other energy sources for heating.
Anaerobic fermentation is an established technology for converting organic feedstocks into biogas, consisting mainly of methane and carbon dioxide. The biogas can be converted into biomethane by removing carbon dioxide and used as a fuel (Bio-CNG and Bio-LNG) or fed into the natural gas grid as a substitute for fossil natural gas.
There is increasing interest in the use of biogenic residual and waste materials. The production of compost converts, through a stable and highly efficient aerobic process, communal, food industry or fermentation waste into a high quality, peat-free product. No heat or chemicals are required.

We offer integrated solutions for sustainable housing construction, combining a modular approach with the incorporation of sustainable water, energy and waste management systems.

Comprehensive, accessible, on-site solutions for Latin America.
Modular systems
Modular systems allow rapid installation and scalability, adapting to the specific needs of each context. A great advantage is the reduction of your operational and maintenance costs, which is given by the possibility to continue operating while performing tasks in an individual module.
In the course of the energy transition, energy production and water and waste treatment will become increasingly decentralised. Instead of large generation or treatment plants, small local systems offer the possibility of more agile decision-making and promote direct participation.
Autonomy offers greater efficiency and control over the use of resources, allowing for optimisation of processes, reduction of waste and minimisation of long-term costs. It provides the possibility to take control of one's own resources and adapt to specific needs and local conditions.
The “Green City” Freiburg is located in the border triangle between France and Switzerland.
Water has always played an important role in the city. For more than 900 years it has been traversed by numerous canals, which were designed to fight fires, quench the thirst of animals, and heat the city, among other uses. The intelligent management of its water sources and distribution systems dates back several centuries and is reflected in the quality with which it is supplied to the population.
Photovoltaic generation is extremely popular, and the city is a pioneer in Germany on the road to energy transition.
Water has always played an important role in the city. For more than 900 years it has been criss-crossed by numerous canals, which were designed to fight fires, quench the thirst of animals, and heat the city, among other uses. The intelligent management of its water sources and distribution systems dates back several centuries and is reflected in the quality with which it is supplied to the population.
Photovoltaic generation is extremely popular, and the city is a pioneer in Germany on the road to energy transition.
We are proud to have partners in Germany to offer knowledge and technology transfer to our customers.

Are you interested in becoming part of our partner network in Latin America?
We are looking for companies that are interested in a long-term partnership and willing to work together on the basis of mutual respect and trust.
If you share our passion for sustainability and we have awakened your interest, we look forward to hearing from you.
SUSTENT TECHNOLOGY & TRADING UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Thannhauserstraße 33, 79114
Freiburg, Germany
49 761 514 60802
© 2024 SUSTENT